Yesterday afternoon saw the official presentation of 'Varese Pride', a project conceived and aggressively pursued by Rosario Rasizza, CEO of Openjobmetis SpA. The project aims to offer sports clubs in Varese and its province a long-lasting, stable future guaranteeing concrete support, which will allow medium to long-term sports planning and new opportunities for growth.

Via the direct participation and involvement of productive organisations in our territory, the Varese Pride initiatives will be targeted at all the sports clubs in the territory, beginning with 'Varese Basketball', the organisation for which Openjobmetis has been a Main Sponsor for six years.

«I am pleased to be here with you today at Varese Pride ribbon cutting ceremony, a project that has been particularly close to my heart -said Rosario Rasizza-. I have the soul of a sportsman, my sport has always been tennis and, as a former athlete, I certainly cannot be indifferent to all the feeling that it can produce. Sport is life's training ground, a great educator, it trains you for victory and teaches you how to manage defeat, even the ones that are the most bitter. For young people, it is also a healthy generator of dreams and deserves to be appreciated. All these reflections and considerations have led me to imagine and create Varese Pride, a hub for sport, a network capable of grouping all companies that share a passion for sport, for our territory, and wish actively to contribute to support, to the affirmation and growth of sports clubs that gravitate around Varese».

Azimut Holding SpA, Deine Group Srl, Panzeri Diffusion Srl, Fastera Srl, F.llli Badi Srl, Maghetti Srl, Openjobmetis SpA and Ulturale Srl are the companies that have already decided to be part of the project.

If you would like to be part of the initiative, contact the Varese Pride team by writing an email to comunicazione@orgogliovarese.it.