Coach Attilio Caja at the end of Pallacanestro Openjobmetis Varese–Alma Pallacanestro Trieste:

«After last Sunday's match with Trento, I told my boys that with today's victory we would complete two months of excellent work. Today I can say that we managed to get off on the right foot and put another one in the bag. We won these three victories in the championship, which is very important. There was also the debut in Europe and all the guys were excellent in taking advantage of the work and tackling all obstacles. To keep up the pace of defence as we do and a dynamic attack like ours, the team must find a lot of energy. And this is the result of the great work ethic that has been shown by the young people since the 20th of August. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to be where we are at this moment in time. Another reason to be satisfied is the four players in double digits and two with 9 points, as well as having held back a team like Trieste at only 66 points».