«A great day for my team and for the fans – a big-hearted game, with determination and willpower. The result of the first half was a lie: the audience understood and never stopped supporting us. In the second half, the defence made the difference. Our audience knows how to be united, today that pushed us hard, and we wanted to reciprocate on court. I am very happy because the environment was solid today, but we didn’t do anything definitive. The most recent results give us confidence for the rest of the season. We were clear-headed in attack, with 16 assists against six lost balls. I'm happy with how the team has grown. The Americans are making sacrifices and we can’t take anything for granted – the anticipation of Eyenga’s transfer comes to mind... or when Maynor’s defence ended up on Jasaitis. Turning points? The steals that we got on the counterattack, which we produced in the second half. This is perfect picture of a team that believes in what it does and who has a desire to make sacrifices».