Openjobmetis Varese Basketball is pleased to announce the first team medical staff for the next season. Along with sports physician Dr Mario Carletti, who has been re-certified as the club's doctor for the second consecutive season, the medical staff will comprise sports medicine specialist Dr Federico Egidi, and orthopaedists Dr Mauro Modesti and Dr Davide Pin. Matteo Beltemacchi will be the specialist alongside sports trainer Marco Armenise for issues related to the players’ training and diet. Varese Basketball’s medical staff will also work closely with physiotherapists Davide Zonca and Matteo Bianchi.

«On behalf of the company and personally, I would like to thank Professor Michele Surace, head of the orthopaedic school at the University of Varese -says Mario Carletti, Varese Basketball’s Physician- for the collaboration this year that will involve trainee orthopaedist Davide Pin».