Coach Attilio Caja at the end of s.Oliver Würzburg-Varese Basketball:

«First of all, I want to congratulate Wurzburg because they have certainly played the two games better than us. They have fully demonstrated that they deserve the final of FIBA Europe Cup. Going back to the game tonight – for 30 minutes we played very well observing the game plane and doing the things we wanted to do. We put in the same amount of energy and the same aggressiveness we had in the last game we played in Varese. But, in the end, we didn't play well for 40 minutes mostly to their credit rather than any faults that we may have had. Wurzburg played very physical basketball, being able to attack very well. We tried to limit their play, but each time they had different players from the bench who continued to score 3-pointers and allowed the German team to close the game with excellent percentages. In the first part of the game, we shot with terrible percentages (1/14), while in the second half we fixed our aim and closed with 7/14. In the end, this is the stat that gave us the chance to get back into the game and close with a smaller difference. Archie's reactivation went well – before tonight, however, Dominique had already had two good training sessions. Compliments go to the medical staff who did a great job to reactivate him and to the player himself who really stepped up to the mark. We had some very good feedback from him but also from Tambone and Iannuzzi who, from the bench, did some interesting things. After a fairly negative start to the game in which they gave us nothing, we were able to return with the tenacity that always sets us apart. Today we closed a six-month run in a very dignified manner and with convincing game. It was a wonderful experience that helped us out and I'm happy that we ended it with a good match against a worthy opponent».