The 2019/2020 Varese Basketball season officially opened today, Thursday, 8 August, with the Red and Whites working hard in the Enerxenia Arena for the first training session of the year. The 600 fans eyed them curiously and gave them the usual warm welcome in seeing in the new season at the end of the session.

Coach Attilio Caja and assistants Vincenzo Cavazzana and Alberto Seravalli directed all the players who will be on the Varese court next year to meet the following – Captain Giancarlo Ferrero, Matteo Tambone, Nicola Natali, Luca Gandini, Jason Clark, Jeremy Simmons, Josh Mayo, L.J. Peak, Milenko Tepic, Siim-Sander Vene, Christian Cattaneo and Omar Seck, as well as the youngsters of the Lorenzo Naldini nursery and Dusan Raskovic, who will take part in training the First Team during the year (Nicolò Virginio will be absent as he is engaged in the National Under 16s in the European category).

Varese Basketball will continue to train in the city until Monday 19 August, when they will leave for Gressoney-La-Trinité, a magnificent town in the Aosta Valley, where the Red & Whites will be on retreat. The first friendly of the year, however, will take place in Bormio on Wednesday, 28 August against Galatasaray (time to be defined).