There was a presentation this morning of a new project set up in order to obtain ISO-9001 certification. The presentation was held at the Giancarlo Gualco PALA2A conference room, and the Red & Whites club is working together with ProGest S.r.l. This is an ambitious and innovative project for the sports sector that went live with the first verification on Monday, June 26, 2017, carried out by RINA Services S.p.A., the certification body that will have to attest and acknowledge that Varese Basketball meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 international standard. The ISO-9001 certification represents an important milestone for Varese Basketball that will certainly have a positive impact on the club’s organisation and its procedures. The Piazza Monte Grappa company thus confirms its desire to stay current, with a clear goal to grow and continually improve.

Fabrizio Fiorini, Managing Director, Varese Basketball: «Shortly after starting at Varese Basketball, I had a strong urge to launch the ISO-9001 quality project, which represents an important evolution for a company like ours. We therefore looked to Progest S.r.l. to support us in this adventure. After initiating the process, in which our internal organisation complied with all the requests we received, we successfully addressed the first step in the verification procedure with the support of RINA Services S.p.A. Our goal today is to achieve certification but, more importantly, to improve year on year, and to grow as a company».