Openjobmetis Varese Basketball is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached in extending its contract with Giancarlo Ferrero. The captain has signed an agreement that will keep him at the Red & White's club for the next two seasons with an extension option for the following one. This is a demonstration of the affection and confidence with regard to the ten-time club champions of Italy who, for its part, sees those values in the player from Bra that have always been in the DNA of the Red & Whites company. With this contract extension, Varese Basketball will be able to count on a core player once more who so wonderfully embodies the spirit of the club and its fans.

«Renewing with Varese Basketball -declares Giancarlo Ferrero with an air of satisfaction-, is a source of great pride for me. I'm truly honoured and I feel a great sense of responsibility to continue playing for the club and to defend these colours. I am ready to give my all, both on court and off. Looking back at my journey here in Varese, I see something magical that I want to continue to live up to and try to continue to write more new and ever exciting pages together with all the people involved with the Red & Whites. I want to thank the company that continues to believe in me – the relationship that connects me to Varese Basketball is something special that makes me really proud. In addition to the club, I also want to thank the fans because they always spur me on to do my best every day on court and during training. Something has been created here in Varese that is truly unique and special. I can't wait to start the next championship».

Raised in Casale Monferrato, Giancarlo Ferrero established himself in A Amateurs with Osimo in the 2008/09 season, making him one of the best players in the league with an average of 20.2 points. In the following season he returned to Junior Casale, the team with whom he won a historic promotion to Serie A. He therefore remained in Piedmont until 2013 with a brief interlude at Biancoblù Bologna in LegaDue. In the following two seasons, he starred in A2 with Trapani where he finished the final year with an average of 8.8 points with 38.2% 3-pointers. He has been a Varese Basketball player since 2015, and captain since 2017.