The Varese Basketball Board of Directors, meeting on the morning of Wednesday 19 April 2017, has decided to remove the exit clause from the contract that binds the Red & White’s club to coach Attilio Caja. The decision was taken as a sign to the Openjobmetis Varese coach of the fullest appreciation and gratitude for the excellent work he has carried out in recent months on the Red & Whites bench, saving the team and getting results both at game level and in motivation. Coach Attilio Caja will continue to lead the First Varese Basketball team until the end of the 2017/2018 season.

Coach Attilio Caja, Openjobmetis Varese Basketball: «I am extremely happy and I thank the company for the opportunity and trust that they continue to give me. Varese Basketball is a club that I felt I was part of two years ago and that is why I came back to the Red & White’s bench last December with a great deal of enthusiasm. I'm glad to be appreciated once again. I extend my sincere gratitude to Toto Bulgheroni and Claudio Coldebella, among the many others on the board, people who have been with us on a daily basis even through the toughest of times. With their support it will be easy to plan a future that will be able to give so much satisfaction, not only to us but more importantly to our steadfast fans who never turned their backs on us, even when all seemed lost».

Antonio Bulgheroni, Varese Basketball Board Member: «I believe that it is imperative on the part of the company to recognise the work of Attilio Caja since he came to the bench at Varese. The Varese Basketball Board of Directors and Claudio Coldebella have therefore decided to modify the contract with Attilio to give him the opportunity to work with peace of mind from the outset in anticipation of, and in preparation for, the next season».