Coach Attilio Caja at the Varese Basketball assembly:

«Next year's Varese will be a team that needs to be moulded because 70% of the players are new and to succeed, we're going to need a lot of time. We started on time and we hope to make a good pre-season, with the hope of not encountering too many obstacles in the preparation phase. That way we'll be ready as soon as we can be. We know full well that the bar of the championship has been raised a lot higher compared to recent years for several reasons. Firstly, because players of a greater calibre have been welcomed, and secondly because the three newly promoted teams cannot be considered as such as they are high-level teams with a significant history behind them. Last but not least, we will have to deal with two relegations. For our part, as I have said, we're a new team, but we'll get there. I'm sure we're going to be competitive and we hope to be so as soon as we can. We will have to be consistent. This will have to make a difference. As has happened before, we will have to make sure that 2 plus 2 doesn't make 4 but 5».