«We obviously have a great deal of regret. In 2 games we were ahead between 65 and 70 minutes and today we are at 2-0 to Brescia. This is how unfair the sport can be. The performance of some of the Germani players was, once again, decisive. Perhaps just one of their players has played in more playoffs than all of ours put together. And, in the end, this is what comes out and makes the difference. However, this isn’t the fault of those who are on court. My foundational quintet played an amazing game. We had to force the rotation because of the fouls and in the end we just couldn’t keep up the same quality. But even that is not anyone's fault. I’m a little bitter because we played 35 minutes of great basketball. Luca Vitali’s decisive basket comes to mind, which he made almost from the middle of the court and with time to spare – this is the result of experience and the ability to manipulate the final balls, where the 24 seconds are unseen. For a player like Vitali, who has a stopwatch in his head and whom I consider a basketball genius, this is much easier. We had to appear respectable and we were just that, even today. Things are out of our hands now and even tonight we had a great game. We were ahead for 70/75 minutes in these playoffs and we played really well. This is the crowning glory of an amazing season. We are more happy than sorry».