«We tried to play our game. Defensively, we had a good match because we managed to stop Brescia’s attack by conceding only 68 points in their home game. Up until the twentieth, we were in absolute control and then in the third quarter we struggled in attack and couldn’t find any alternatives to Okoye and Avramovic, who took all the shots that had to be taken. However, Vene and Larson couldn’t score tonight. They ended up at 0 out of 9 3-pointers. But we held onto the game by the skin of our teeth. On the one hand, we are pleased that we were competitive but, on the other, we regret it because with a little more accuracy and with something more in attack, there would certainly have been a different ending. Almost all of our players are newcomers to the playoffs. In the end, Landry's performance at the crucial moments was decisive. Congratulations not only go to him but also to my players because tonight they were much more than respectable. And being respectable at the debut was what we had to do».