Openjobmetis Varese Basketball is pleased to announce the engagement of Vincenzo Cavazzana as assistant coach. Born in Borgosatollo (Brescia) 23 December, 1967, Cavazzana will sit alongside coach Attilio Caja on the Red & White bench for the next two seasons.

Vincenzo Cavazzana, assistant coach, Openjobmetis Varese Basketball: «I am truly honoured to be part of this project and to be working for such a historical club of great importance as the Varese Basketball. At the Red & Whites, I see Attilio Caja, a coach who has had some great seasons and who has opened up a positive cycle here in Varese. Giving Attilio a hug after being one of his players in Pavia is truly wonderful and stimulating. I am really very happy to have signed with Varese, I can't wait for the new season to start».

Before becoming a coach between 1983 and 1998, Vincenzo Cavazzana played for many years with a career that has covered a wide range of experiences between Brescia, Pavia (where he played with Massimo Ferraiuolo), Cremona and Riva del Garda in A1, A2 and Serie B championships. While continuing to play in 1995, he began coaching a variety of youth sector teams. Between 2008 to 2010, he was an assistant in Lumezzane in Serie B and Legadue having held this role previously in Castelletto Ticino. Following this, he worked as an assistant in San Severo and Montegranaro. In the last seven seasons, he was Maurizio Buscaglia's deputy in Trento. With the Eagle as assistant, he won the Italian Legadue Cup and then won the Serie A promotion in 2013/14.