In the afternoon of Thursday 25 May 2017, the 2017/2018 Varese Basketball Subscription Campaign opened at PALA2A. For the second year in a row, Edoardo Scola, Milanese born and bred but with Varese in his heart, has been confirmed as the fastest resubscriber. Edoardo, who has a seat in the balcony, was able to renew his first subscription when he turned up to the building early in the morning. A true gesture of love for the much-loved Varese Basketball has been renewed for the sixth consecutive year. Claudio Colombo, from Venegono Superiore, is on the second step of the podium of the faithful and has a seat in the gold gallery with his wife Daniela, his son Giacobbe and his cousin Marica. Third place for the fastest fan goes to Michele Rossi of Morazzone, who has been a member for six seasons in the North Home End. Associated with ‘We Are Basketball’, Michele signed the card taking advantage of the discounted fee for members of the trust. Fourth place goes to Paola Arosio, the first woman, for her renewal in the gold gallery. The trust and speed of the first fans was rewarded with a variety of Varese Basketball promotional items and with a souvenir photo with Coach Attilio Caja, who was present at PALA2A for the opening of the subscription campaign.