A new and exciting synergy between Varese Basketball and Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau is to begin shortly. The promotion of the region, with its high values, lies at the heart of the partnership with the Varese Province Tourist Consortium. The agreement will allow Varese Basketball to be visible at Varese hotel facilities with coupons that customers will be able to use to obtain a 10% discount on tickets for Openjobmetis home games. Tourists will thus be able to watch live LBA games, which is a different way to discover Varese and its beautiful province. The Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau will also work together with the Red & White’s club to promote PALA2A for events, dinners and conventions and many others, such as team building for companies, as an example. There will also be opportunities for the organisation of tourist activities for professional and amateur sports teams for whom VCVB will be able to provide logistical solutions and hotel accommodation.

Claudio Coldebella, general manager at Varese Basketball: «This new and exciting project with Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau has a purpose which is to clarify the concept that sport is also tourism. Basketball in Varese, and in the province, has a solid and well-rooted foundation and it is only right that tourists who visit our city have the opportunity of visiting a museum or even going to PALA2A to see an Openjobmetis game. Because of this interesting partnership, the Red & White’s club will be able to help promote the region, which is a shared objective that it has in common with the Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau».

Fabio Lunghi, Chairman of Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau: «This collaboration gives us a great deal of satisfaction, in particular. The sports world is, indeed, increasingly linked to the Varese region from a tourist’s point of view. The focus on sport and, particularly on Basketball, with organisations that have deep roots in Varese, is becoming increasingly popular and has an international appeal. One example is a Chamber of Commerce partnership, where the Varese Sport Commission sees an official specialist partner for logistic support and hotel accommodation in the Convention Bureau. Moreover, the final goal for everyone involved is to promote the destination in all its broader aspects».