Varese City Hall Salone Estense hosted an exciting evening dedicated to Meo Sacchetti, current Scrutineer of the Italian national team and former great Varese Basketball player.

Mayor Davide Galimberti, sports councillor Dino De Simone, chairman of the city council Stefano Malerba, several Palazzo Estense councillors, Red & Whites counsellor Antonio Bulgheroni and many fans were all present to witness Sacchetti receive the parchment that certifies his honorary citizenship, recently and unanimously approved by the city council of the ‘Garden City’. Well-deserved recognition for the former captain of DiVarese and Ranger, who is connected to Varese for having played over many years and for having left an indelible mark on the hearts of the Red & Whites fans.

«I lived and played a lot in Varese -said Meo Sacchetti excitedly- and, even during breaks from basketball, I still lived here. It was an important choice because my children, especially the first two, grew up in Varese. This is why the family and I have built extraordinary friendships that go beyond sport and this makes it special and beautiful, too. Not to mention the fact that we’re talking about the ‘Garden City’, a place that I really love for its lakes and the fantastic places that surround it. Varese is a special place, even when you consider that in the first year as a player with Sales as coach, I came to the city for the first time and it rained for fifteen days straight. And do you know why?” jokes Meo, “obviously because the fair had come to town...!»

The conferring of honorary citizenship to Sacchetti took place within the framework of the initiative promoted by ‘We Are Basketball’ under the patronage of Varese Council – ‘Romeo and Varese: a great love story’, is the title of the evening, organised with the aim of honouring a man and a champion who really left his mark on our city.

A joyous, emotional evening was experienced by former team mates, managers, journalists and experts. Presented by Benedetta Lodolini and Fabio Gandini, with the participation of Antonio Franzi, ‘Romeo and Varese: a great love story’ was a true journey into the sporting life of Sacchetti from 1984 (the year of his arrival) until 1991, when an accident forced him to withdraw from competitive activity after having played 15 championships, 456 matches and totalling 6,333 points.