Openjobmetis Varese Basketball is pleased to announce that Matteo Jemoli will hold the position of company Scouting Manager, beginning this season. After more than 10 years spent on the Red & White bench as assistant, punctuated by two seasons as assistant coach at Trapani Basketball, Gemonio's class of ’89 coach has enthusiastically accepted this new challenge that will place him in the spotlight in a completely new, strategically important position.

«My thanks go to Andrea Conti and Attilio Caja for allowing me to make a journey on this new adventure with my city's team -says Jemoli-. I am enthusiastic because I will be able to look at basketball from a different but equally intriguing perspective, while still being in close contact with the technical staff».

«When we listened to Matteo's needs for greater freedom compared to the technical staff's commitments this summer, we came up with this position with the aim of allowing him to grow professionally -says Andrea Conti, Red & White's general manager-. We are convinced that with his knowledge of the basketball world, he will be able to do an excellent job, and provide significant support to the company and to the coaches».