Openjobmetis Varese Basketball proudly announces that it has reached an agreement to renew the contract with Giancarlo Ferrero. Wing of class 1988, Ferrero has signed a contract that will bind him to the Red & Whites club for the next two seasons. Ferrero's confirmation thus allows Basketball Varese to make use of a player who has never failed to make a contribution both on and off court.

Antonio Bulgheroni, Varese Basketball Counsellor: «I'm very happy that Giancarlo has chosen to be with us for another two seasons for two reasons: firstly, because the choice demonstrates his bond to the club and the team, and then because I'm convinced that with us, thanks to his attitude to work and his passion for the Red & Whites, he can grow and improve further. The confirmation makes me happy».

Giancarlo Ferrero, Wing, Openjobmetis Varese Basketball: «I am extremely happy and proud to be able to stay in Varese, a city that I’ve learned to love over the past two years and which has always shown me great affection. It was the only thing I wanted and, for this, I thank the company for giving me this opportunity and renewing their confidence in me and in my skills. I can’t wait to start the new season».

Player Profile

Date of birth: 29th August, 1988

Place of Birth: Bra (Cuneo)

Height: 197 cm

Weight: 97 kg

Role: Forward


Ferrero cut his teeth at Casale Monferrato and asserted himself in A Amateurs with Osimo in the 2008/09 season, becoming one of the best players in the championship with a 20.2 point average. In the following season he returned to Junior Casale, a team with whom he won a historic promotion in Serie A. He remained in Piedmont until 2013 with a short detour at Biancoblù Bologna in LegaDue. He took the leading role in the following two seasons in A2 with Trapani where he finished up the final year with an average of 8.8 points, with 38.2% 3-pointers. He has been a Varese Basketball player since 2015.