The first challenge for the BCC Cup is to be held on Tuesday, February 21 at 20:00. This promises to be a splendid friendly game between two respected basketball teams sponsored by Banca di Credito Cooperativo of Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate. Legnano Basket Knights and Obenjobmetis Varese Basketball will descend onto the gladiatorial parquet of PalaBorsani in Castellanza (VA) in a challenge that has only one objective – to win…solidarity and support. The proceeds of the game will be doubled by BCC Garolfo and Buguggiate with the entire amount to be allocated to the The Bridge of Smiles Foundation which, for over two decades, has been providing assistance to children in hospital through a variety of targeted initiatives and, certainly no less important, the construction of a new children’s hospital in Varese.

«The BCC Cup was established with the express purpose of turning passion for basketball into a gesture of solidarity for the region» began President Roberto Scazzosi of the BCC in Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate. «Sport thus becomes a vehicle for the support of those working in the voluntary sector. Sport and volunteering are two worlds to which the Banca di Credito Cooperativo is particularly attached because they represent the expression of the regions in which we work in our daily lives. In thinking about a trophy that would encompass these values, we found a ready answer and the active cooperation of two organisations who express basketball at the highest level – Openjobmetis Varese Basketball, who play in the top division and Legnano Basket Knights who play in A2. Through these two teams, we unite the two areas where we work as the BCC – the Altomilanese and the Varesotto – sharing the value of solidarity. As the BCC, our commitment is not only in the promotion of the event, but we will also double the proceeds of the game with the entire amount to be allocated to the non-profit The Bridge of Smiles Foundation, an organisation which continually strives in the assistance of hospitalised children». Scazzosi continues, «The aim is to make this a commonplace event where sport, solidarity and region go hand in hand towards a slam-dunk».

«We are very excited to be able to take part in the BCC Cup with Legnano Basket Knights, a friendly match with charity in mind», states Riccardo Polinelli, board member of Varese Basketball. «We immediately liked this proposal at Varese Basketball, as we have always been fond of social initiatives. Top sports must also incorporate this aspect. The BCC Cup will be an opportunity to put the two most important basketball teams in our region in the spotlight – I am sure that this will turn out to be a fun and exciting challenge for all fans. Special thanks go to BCC Garolfo and Buguggiate, which has always been close to institutions in the region. My gratitude also extends to the Legnano Basket Knights who are to host us on this particular occasion. The BCC Cup will definitely be a huge success on court and in the stands. We invite as many people to come along as possible».

«I am glad about this joint initiative with Varese Basketball. The good relationship with the club, with Claudio Coldebella and the push by the BCC sponsors, has allowed us to plan an evening of sport, fun and charity», says Chairman Marco Tajana of Legnano Basket Knights. «We would like this to continue and become an event where basketball and sporting moments is both incorporated into a wider entertainment context, and can also be instrumental in attracting new fans for both teams. Naturally, then, charity will still be a key component – as Legnano via LB Charities Foundation, we have been assisting several local organisations for years in their activities and this friendly game only serves to strengthen our presence and collaboration down that road. This is only the first instalment, so we can only improve, but already for this ‘first time’, we think it will be a unique and engaging event».

«For 25 years we have been helping children in hospital, administering a magic medicine every day, that of imagination, to help them recover while at play. Making a hospitalised child comfortable is essential so that they can cope with the illness without being afraid,” says Emanuela Crivellaro, chairman of the non-profit The Bridge of Smiles Foundation. «But we cannot do it alone. We need people like the organisers of the BCC Cup who have chosen the smiles of the children in hospital. To them goes a large debt of gratitude like this, with open arms, as children do».

Advance tickets for the BCC Cup will be available from Friday, 10 February on Legnano Basketball subscription holders will be given first refusal on tickets up until Friday, 10 February by contacting the offices in Via Parma 77 in Legnano. The tickets cost €5 for the curva and the non-numbered grandstand seats, and €10 for the numbered silver and gold grandstand seats. A poster of the two teams will be available upon a donation.