In the match, won by Openjobmetis Varese Basketball in Trieste, Captain Giancarlo Ferrero achieves best performance for an Italian player in the championship with 28 points. Before this, the record belonged to Ricci in the Oriora Pistoia-Vanoli Cremona match, who had achieved 27 points.

Ferrero had never gone over the 17 points he scored on three occasions – two in the last season and once in the 2015/16 season. For the Red & White captain, as well as a personal record for points scored in his career, comes a record for triples in a game (6), of total shots created (11), and efficiency (27).

The 28 points scored by Ferrero is the third outstanding performance of the season for an Openjobmetis Varese Basketball player after the 31 by Scrubb on the sixteenth day, and the 30 by Avramovic on the first.

Here are the highlights of the Openjobmetis Varese Basketball captain in Trieste-Varese: