After the delicious victory in the derby against Cantù in Desio, Openjobmetis Captain Daniele Cavaliero was centre stage of ‘Basket: a school of life’, the initiative that brings Openjobmetis Varese Basketball players in direct contact with the students of Varese and the province, thanks to the contribution of Teva, pharmaceutical multinational top sponsor of the Red & Whites club. The Varese Basketball player accompanied by the indefatigable Raffaella Demattè, head of the initiative, visited the modern Manfredini institute in Varese. Welcomed by more than 100 first, second and third year students, Cavaliero recounted his experiences as a professional player, generating a great deal of interest among the students at the meeting. After a talk of more than an hour, the Trieste player answered the many questions the young people asked him. The meeting was then concluded with the traditional group photo and with the handing out of posters signed by the Openjobmetis Captain.