In the afternoon of Monday 8 May, the new Michelangelo pavilion at the hospital del Ponte in Varese was inaugurated. With the cutting of the ribbon to the modern pavilion, work continues to complete the building that has been designed to for the treatment of mothers and children.

Along with the many persons present at the ceremony, Board Member Antonio Bulgheroni, President of the Consortium Alberto Castelli, and players Kristjan Kangur and Giancarlo Ferrero represented Varese Basketball and the ‘Varese in the Heart’ Consortium.

The Piazza Monte Grappa club has contributed to the new Michelangelo pavilion by donating furniture, colour and affection towards the construction of a branded Varese Basketball room. This is a gesture from a beloved organisation in the city that will allow a comforting space dedicated to children in care at the modern Bridge of Smiles pavilion.