Varese Basketball is pleased and proud to announce the return this year of the Basketball: a school of life project, which is now in its fifteenth year. The Varese Basketball initiative, sponsored by Fip, Coni, and the Varese City and County councils has therefore been renewed following a decade and a half, seeing a continual growth in numbers with the last involving more than 2,000 students from schools in Varese and its province.

The goal of the project, made possible thanks to the contribution of Teva, multinational pharmaceutical top sponsor of the Red & Whites, is to promote basketball, the sports symbol of our province, that has made its name in Varese, in Italy and the world.

In the new version, there will be players from the Serie A Handicap Sport Varese team to witness how you can attain the highest levels in sport and in life with dedication and willpower. In addition, players and speakers, trained by humanist coaches by Italian School of Life & Corporate Coaching, will pass on the importance of sports in the growth of children.

‘Basketball: sport as a training ground for the pursuit of happiness, passion and self-realisation’ is the slogan and the message that pupils of schools, from primary to upper secondary will be able to hear.

Given the high degree of approval in the proposed activities, the 4 main objectives of the “Basketball: a school of life” project will remain the same:

  1. Meetings in schools: Openjobmetis Varese Basketball Players will visit students in schools. Athletes will provide children with the opportunity of discovering first-hand the less visible but more authentic practical aspects of the sport: dedication, training, and commitment in achieving objectives, the importance of ethics, fairness and respect regarding the opponent. The meetings will be organised between January and May 2017 and will be held during school hours on Monday or Thursday morning or, where envisaged, midweek from 14:00 to 16:00. It will be possible to request meetings in a foreign language (English). In these cases, at the time of booking, you will need to provide the name of a foreign language contact teacher to organise the meeting. Meetings in schools must be booked at least 15 days in advance of the chosen date.

  2. Basketball Live: will be made available to schools who request free tickets (up to a maximum of 100 per game) to view a live Openjobmetis Varese Basketball match at PALA2A.

  3. Competition — “The Banner: Between Support and Passion”: schools that will be hosted at PalaA2A to view a match will be invited to design a banner to support the team, which is be carried out in the spirit of fair and loyal support. The best banner during the season will win a prize at the end of the project.

  4. Competition — “Basketball: sport as a training ground for the pursuit of happiness, passion and self-realisation”: Openjobmetis Varese Basketball, within the Basketball: a school of life project, invites all young students who are interested, to design creative works ( drawing and / or creative writing) that have basketball as the subject matter, according to the discussed and suggested topics. The best works will be awarded a prize at the end of the project. Entry to the competition does not depend on enrolment onto the Basketball: a school of Life project with other initiatives.