Openjobmetis Varese Basketball announces that it has reached an agreement with Attilio Caja who will serve as head coach of the Red & White’s team as of today. The Piazza Monte Grappa club took steps to execute the membership regulations for coach Caja to be available for the next league game against Venezia.

Born in Pavia on 20 May 1961, Attilio Caja began his coaching career in 1992 guiding his home city team for two seasons. Two years later, he began his long stint with Virtus Roma from 1994-1999 where he reached the playoffs four times, won ‘Coach of the Year’ (1996) and reached the semi-finals of the Korac Koppa (1998). In 1999, he coached at Pesaro before returning to Rome. With Virtus, he won an Italian Super Cup and twice reached the quarterfinals in the playoffs. Milan called on him in 2001, but in the two and a half seasons with Olimpia he was unable to repeat the success he had achieved with the team in the capital. In the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons, he coached at Napoli and Roseto respectively and in both he was called on for the championships which had already begun. He remained at Napoli until January and in Roseto he concluded the season avoiding a troublesome relegation, which was later nullified by the failure of the company in the summer. He began the 2006/2007 season in Legadue, in Novara, where he remained until December. The following year, he took over from Zare Markovski on the benches at Milan, bringing Olimpia to the semi-finals scudetto. In 2008, he coached Udine where he stayed for just seven games. In 2010, he was at Cremona twelve days from the end and saved the Blue & Whites from relegation. After some time in Rimini, where he won third place in the Legadue, Caja went back to Cremona, where he nailed tenth place. The relationship with sponsor Vanoli, however, terminated after eight games. In the 2013/2014 season, he was called on, in a season already in progress, to change Florence’s luck in A Silver, but the championship ended with a demotion for the Tuscans. At the end of February in 2015, he replaced Gianmarco Pozzecco, coach at Openjobmetis Varese and managed to win six of the remaining eleven league games, almost achieving the playoffs. At the end of the season, he became the general manager at Eurobasket Rome, but left the post in October to take over from Guido Saibene of Virtus Roma. Caja is an experienced coach, with great technique and notable skills in managing the performance of each athlete, and has coached the experimental Nationals and won a silver medal at the 1997 Mediterranean Games.