«The number of lost balls in the first quarter: 11 and, at the end of the game: 23. Apart from the cold, hard fact of this statistic, it also explains the difficulty in how we managed our opponent’s physical pressure and technique. This difficulty was certainly the impression that was left on the game. We weren’t able to adapt to the refereeing criteria and decisions that were allowed, even when we fell to provocation. Eyenga’s second intentional foul was a mistake by the referee because of Hogue’s intentional foul who shoved him. Beyond these negligible details, the real fact is that when you take so few shots compared to your opponents, even with the highest sink rates, that’s where the key to the game lies. We couldn’t handle our opponent’s physical pressure or technique and the missed balls were the decisive break that we weren’t able to claw back even with the effort that we put in. Other than this, what we needed was a total blackout by our opponents or a decisive break on our part that didn’t come. We will continue to work hard in attack and tonight our difficulties were transformed into many missed balls, which led to so many easy points for our opponents who found the confidence to get points even from difficult plays. The game is fundamentally framed in this snapshot».