As of today, Varese Basketball has a new anthem: "Come nella vita". A surprise that Red & White fans are able to discover in advance on the website and on the club's social media pages. A video clip, which will be introduced at PALA2A at the start of Openjobmetis home games, was conceived by Marco Armenise, trainer at Openjobmetis Varese Basketball. Marco used Giorgia Carena's ‘Stazione della Musica’ or ‘Music Station’ studio in Besnate to record the song. Luca Solbiati was instrumental in getting the project off the ground and he composed the piece with Armenise. Luca is an artist at the national level and, among the many other things he has been a part of, he was at Festivalbar 2005 as front man of Zeropositivo, and opened an REM concert at Stadio Olimpico in Rome. The Red & White trainer, with Coach Attilio Caja’s entire team and the Cheerleader B. Crew, opened the Varese Basketball anthem in a delightful video, artistically produced by Movie Magic International, a company that is part of the "Varese in the Heart" Consortium. Oversight of the video clip was entrusted to Yu Sung Cho and Lapo Bernini at Lamyna. The debut of the anthem at PALA2A will take place at the Openjobmetis Varese - Segafredo Virtus Bologna game scheduled for Tuesday, 26th December 2017 at 3 pm. Let’s get together and sing "Come nella vita"!